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Improved Method for Assessment of the Quality of the Artificial Rain from the Experimental Data


The new method for processing the experimental data of the artificial rain has been proposed. The peculiarity of this method consists in accounting the nearest points of measuring the rain in the reverse dependence on the distance to them. The mathematical model is algorithmized; the Dozhd computer program making it possible to perform the mathematical processing of the experimental data and issue the result in both numerical and graphical form has been developed on the basis of the proposed algorithm.

About the Authors

M. G. Golchenko
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

A. S. Anzhenkov
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy


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For citations:

Golchenko M.G., Anzhenkov A.S. Improved Method for Assessment of the Quality of the Artificial Rain from the Experimental Data. Land Reclamation. 2008;(2):71-81. (In Russ.)

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