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Assessment of the Condition of the Absorbing Wells during the Surface Flow Withdrawal


As the drainage area is expanded with reduction of the drainage density, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the measures for withdrawal of the surface flow. The investigations of the technical conditions of the surface-flow absorbing wells in the drained lands of Lithuania, conditions of inflow of the surface water to the absorbing wells and degree of silting of the inlet holes are evidence of the tendency of increase of the fault rate due to insufficient care when operating the absorbing wells. The retention of the surface flow in a number of closed depressions of the relief can be considered a water-protective measure and reduce the pollution of the surface waters from the agricultural fields.

About the Authors

V. .. Shaulis
Institute of Water Management of Lithuanian Agricultural Unversity

N. .. Bastene
Institute of Water Management of Lithuanian Agricultural Unversity

A. .. Shaulene
Institute of Water Management of Lithuanian Agricultural Unversity


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For citations:

Shaulis V..., Bastene N..., Shaulene A... Assessment of the Condition of the Absorbing Wells during the Surface Flow Withdrawal. Land Reclamation. 2008;(2):43-49. (In Russ.)

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