
Land Reclamation

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Principles of Organization of the Monitoring for the Information Provision of Making Decisions in Amelioration


Are considered: methodological principles of the organization of system of agro-ecology-meliorative monitoring for a supply with information of decision-making at all stages of life cycle of meliorative agricultural objects. Ways of fixing of data transmission and their storage are classified and analysed. Questions of creation of information system for storage and data processing of monitoring are stated.

About the Author

N. K. Vakhonin
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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4. Berson, A. Data Warehousing, Data Mining and OL AP, Mc GrawНill. / A. Berson, S. Snith. 1997

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6. Вахонин, Н.К. Геореляционная организация данных результатов мониторинга водосборов для принятия решений на немелиорированных землях/ Н.К.Вахонин// Современные проблемы сельскохозяйственной мелиорации. - Минск: БелНИИМиЛ, 2001. - С.41-50

7. Вахонин, Н.К. Автоматизированная система агроэкологического мониторинга мелиорированных земель /Н.К.Вахонин, Г.А.Писецкий, В.В.Бонцевич, Ю.А.Сороговец // Белорусское сельское хозяйство. - 2005. - № 9(41). - С.40-42


For citations:

Vakhonin N.K. Principles of Organization of the Monitoring for the Information Provision of Making Decisions in Amelioration. Land Reclamation. 2008;(2):5-22. (In Russ.)

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