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A database structure and software modules for modeling of water resources management of he cascade of pumping stations of the Karshi main canal


A database structure and software modules have been developed for modeling unsteady water movement in sections of the Karshi main canal, as well as water supply to the cascade of pumping stations equipped with axial rotaryvane pump units. The results of modeling unsteady water movement in the isometry in the (x, t) plane in sections 1 and 2 of the change in the flow rate and water level of the Karshi main canal, as well as daily operating modes of the pumping station 1 of the Karshi main canal cascade are presented.

For citations:

Rakhimov Sh., Seytov A., Sherbаev M., Zhumamuradov D., Dusiyorov F. A database structure and software modules for modeling of water resources management of he cascade of pumping stations of the Karshi main canal. Land Reclamation. 2019;(3):85-91. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)