Drainage wells as a source of water supply for irrigation equipment in the Belarusian Polesie area
The article discusses issues relevant to agricultural production related to the negative impact of weather conditions on it: more frequent dry and wet periods. Measures are proposed that can somewhat mitigate these situations, in particular due to the wider use of irrigation based on drainage wells and their ability to provide groundwater for irrigation equipment. The data was obtained from BelNIIMiVH, which conducted studies of the effectiveness of vertical drainage in the pilot production sites of POMS of the Luninetsky district and the Osipovka facility in the Maloritsky district of the Brest region with a total area of 1320 ha in the 1970–1990s. It is noted that drainage wells should be considered as a guaranteed source of water supply for irrigation equipment with groundwater in the required volumes in certain hydrological conditions.
About the Authors
A. I. MitrakhovichBelarus
A. P. Mayorchik
N. M. Avramenko
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For citations:
Mitrakhovich A.I., Mayorchik A.P., Avramenko N.M. Drainage wells as a source of water supply for irrigation equipment in the Belarusian Polesie area. Land Reclamation. 2019;(3):5-10. (In Russ.)