Monitoring of effluents in the town of Pinsk, discharged to the river Pripiat
Analyzed: data on chemical content of the river Pripiat water starting from 1953. 19 parameter monitoring of the chemical content of effluent and surface water in the town of Pinsk close to treatment facilities evidenced insufficient effectiveness of treatment facilities regarding mineral oils, various nitrogen forms, synthetic surface active substances and Fe. The contamination level of effluent exceeds the acceptable concentration, hence has a negative impact on ecological balance of the river Pripiat. The reconstruction of treatment facilities will permit to eliminate or reduce significantly the negative anthropogenic impact either on the river Pripiat or on adjacent territories.
About the Authors
A. F. Verenich
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"
T. B. Roshka
Polesye State University
G. V. Kolossov
Polesye State University
A. A. Zaiats
Brest Branch of Republican Scientific Research Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Radiology"
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2. Состояние природной среды: Экологический бюллетень. - Мн.: Минсктиппроект, 2005. - 285 с
3. Международный экологический бюллетень «Зеленая Беларусь». - 248 с
For citations:
Verenich A.F.,
Roshka T.B.,
Kolossov G.V.,
Zaiats A.A.
Monitoring of effluents in the town of Pinsk, discharged to the river Pripiat. Land Reclamation. 2007;(2):157-162.
(In Russ.)
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