
Land Reclamation

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Transformation of timothy grass stand specimen under various environmental conditions


Carried out: long-term (7 and 10 year long) investigations of timothy specimen under various environmental conditions on reclaimed bog and mineral soils (southern Karelia). Estimated: coenotic activity of sowed and intruded specimens. The influence of chemical fertilizers on the botanical structure of timothy grass is insufficient under various environmental conditions. Sowed specimen under discomfort is followed by the specimen of the local flora. Stable grass stand with dominating timothy grass on bog lands is three years, and on mineral soil is five years. Coenotic activity of timothy grass on mineral soil is much higher than on bog soil.

About the Author

T. V. Kulakovskaia
Sakharov International State University of Ecology


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For citations:

Kulakovskaia T.V. Transformation of timothy grass stand specimen under various environmental conditions. Land Reclamation. 2007;(2):123-127. (In Russ.)

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