
Land Reclamation

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Development of peat and sand lands of Polessies for the formation of the productive forage reserve


Presented: data on the productivity of crops (maize, millet, lupine, Lucerne, bird’s-foot, Galega Oriental), cultivated in peat and sand soils of Polessie, organic matter being less 7.0%. Evidenced: organic matter content is not a limiting factor to determine the crop yield. While selecting the most efficientmethods of intensification (list of cultivated crops, application of organic, microand macro fertilizers) on peat and sand lands, it’s possible to yield maize up to 103 centner/hectare, permanent legumes - more than 70, up to 29.5and 33.4 centner/hectare lupine and millet (if cultivated for green fodder) respectively. The green fodder production line combined with fodder crops (lupine with stubbly sowing of fodder millet) will permit to get the forage of high quality. The effect of such technology is 47.2-60.4 centner/hectare. The fodder obtained is rich of protein.

About the Author

L. N. Luchenok
RUE "Institute for Land Reclamation"


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For citations:

Luchenok L.N. Development of peat and sand lands of Polessies for the formation of the productive forage reserve. Land Reclamation. 2007;(2):105-111. (In Russ.)

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