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Extremal values of the efficiency of water resources of mineral soils in the territory of Belarus


Examined: space-time analysis of the efficiency of water resources of mineral soils in the territory of Belarus. Examined: geography of major risks subject to water resources of soils, i.e. soil drought and soil over wetting. Extremal are considered the years of rare reproducibility of soil moisture values less 5% and more 95% of the provision. Revealed: zones with the highest extreme features of the efficiency of soil water resources.

About the Authors

A. A. Volchek
Polesye Agrarian Economic Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

N. N. Shpendik
Polesye Agrarian Economic Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


For citations:

Volchek A.A., Shpendik N.N. Extremal values of the efficiency of water resources of mineral soils in the territory of Belarus. Land Reclamation. 2007;(2):87-91. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)