
Land Reclamation

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Drainage impact on water-physical properties of soil


Drainage improves water condition of soil increasing air penetration and ventilation. Such changes of water profile influence the structure, the density, the porosity and filtration features of the soil as well as drainage. The investigations of three plots in the district of Kaunas revealed that within 30-50 years grain composition of drain and non-drain lands has undergone no changes. The density of drain soil decreased, the structure improved, still humus reduced.In heavy loam soil, the position of the drain line effects the density and filtration of soil; the closer the drain, the less the density; the filtration factor is higher if compared to drain spacing.

About the Authors

B. Bendaravicus
Lithuanian Agricultural University

A. .. Potsene
Lithuanian Agricultural University


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For citations:

Bendaravicus B., Potsene A... Drainage impact on water-physical properties of soil. Land Reclamation. 2007;(2):80-86. (In Russ.)

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