
Land Reclamation

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Conceptual methods of land development in the Ukrainian Polessie (marshy woodlands)


Projects of scientific concepts for the strategy of integrated management of water-land sources for the benefit of efficient use of natural agricultural resource potential; development of stable and ecologically balanced agro-ecological systems; rating of anthropogenic stress of said systems, and for restoration of fertility of ameliorating lands. Presented: reclamation projects, their rating in total ameliorating lands of damp regions of the Ukraine and distribution of ameliorating lands among land tenures by instruments of management (state and farmer plants, private plants, share societies and cooperative societies). General estimation of environmental and climatic conditions and technical specifications of reclamation projects; examined: structures of sown areas and main causes of production reduction; stated: principals of ecologically safe and rational trends of efficient working on drainage soils.

About the Author

P. I. Kovalenko
Ukraine Academy of Agrarian Siences and Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Russian Federation


For citations:

Kovalenko P.I. Conceptual methods of land development in the Ukrainian Polessie (marshy woodlands). Land Reclamation. 2007;(2):6-16. (In Russ.)

Views: 176

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)