Cropping of Painted Grass for Seed Purposes under the Belarusian Conditions
The agroecological specific features of growth, development and seed production of different varietal specimen of the painted grass at the sod-podzol sabulous soils of the central part of Belarus are studied. The experimental data characterized by the productivity and quality ratings of the painted grass plants: high contents of crude protein in forage (up to 18,5%) at average index of the standard 16,1%, high indices of magnesium supply was found. The indices of the forage supply with calcium are optimal, with potassium and phosphorus - within the norm. On the basis of the study of biological features of the painted grass taking into account the zonal soil-climatic conditions for cropping under the Republic conditions the varietal specimens are prospective having the valuable economic-biological properties, from the Sverdlovsk province, Karachai-Cherkess, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Murmanks province and Komi Republic. For the Republic of Belarus conditions the varietal specimen of painted grass proved themselves good from the Novgorod, Pskov and Vologda provinces.
About the Author
V. N. Sarsania
Institute for Land reclamation and grassland Cultivation
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For citations:
Sarsania V.N.
Cropping of Painted Grass for Seed Purposes under the Belarusian Conditions. Land Reclamation. 2007;(1):156-162.
(In Russ.)
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