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Cost and Energy Efficiency of Meadow Grass Formation at the Worked-Out Peat Soils Utilized Long Time


The researches showed that the application of preliminary cultures during the worked-out peat soils meadow reformation, being long time in the agricultural use, contributes to positive change of the grass botanic composition and, as a consequence, to the increase of crop capacity, cost and energy efficiency of poic grass cultivation. The grass structure is determined to a greater extent by the meadow formation technique; the time of meadow formation influenced slightly on the grass composition and productivity.

About the Author

V. Ch. Serekhan
Agricultural Production Cooperative


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For citations:

Serekhan V.Ch. Cost and Energy Efficiency of Meadow Grass Formation at the Worked-Out Peat Soils Utilized Long Time. Land Reclamation. 2007;(1):130-136. (In Russ.)

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