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Specific Features of Poic Grass Cultivation at the Worked-Out Peat Soils


The worked-out peat soils at observance of the complex of measures of their reclaiming and improvement provide the high productivity and cost efficiency of agricultural utilization. During meadow formation of the worked out peat soil the complex mixed grass crops are mostly efficient on the basis of awnless brome. The peat layer working out results in some decrease of grasses yield. The least decrease of the yield, the energy and cost efficiency may be observed at utilization of early-ripe cockfoot grasses for meadow formation of such soils. The average soils productivity with the residual peat thickness is more than 30 cm was 8,5 t/hectare solid, net profit - 515,3 thousand Ruble/hectare, profitability- 271,2%.

About the Authors

V. Ch. Serekhan
Agricultural Production Cooperative "Progress-Vertelishki"

A. S. Meerovsky
Institute for land reclamation and Grassland Cultivation

A. A. Satishur
Grodno State Agrarian University


1. Бамбалов Н.Н. Стадии антропогенной эволюции осушенных торфяных почв // Экологоэкономические принципы эффективного использования мелиорированных земель. - Мн: БелНИИМиЛ, 2000. - С. 7-11

2. Бамбалов Н.Н. Баланс органического вещества торфяных почв и методы его изучения. - Мн.: Ураджай, 1985. - 377 с


For citations:

Serekhan V.Ch., Meerovsky A.S., Satishur A.A. Specific Features of Poic Grass Cultivation at the Worked-Out Peat Soils. Land Reclamation. 2007;(1):119-129. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)