
Land Reclamation

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Meadow Reformation of Longstanding Pasturage Grasses under the Conditions of the Vitebsk Province


In this article the research of the meadow reformation procedures with preliminary field period and accelerated at the sod-podzol loam soils showed that it would be better to make meadow reformation of the aged pasturage grasses by the acceleration method. During meadow reformation with utilization of preliminary field period within one year the pasturage grasses are characterized by high contents of clover during the first and the second years of herbage utilization. During the accelerated meadow reformation of pasturages the herbage yields during two years at the average were 22% more than during the meadow reformation with preliminary field period. The crop gains as a result of application of small doses of nitrogen fertilizers against a background of phosphor-potash fertilizers at utilization of the accelerated method of creation of pasturages were higher and 90 standard unit/hectare more efficient than during meadow reformation with the field period.

About the Authors

A. L. Biriukovich
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation

R. T. Pastushok
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Biriukovich A.L., Pastushok R.T. Meadow Reformation of Longstanding Pasturage Grasses under the Conditions of the Vitebsk Province. Land Reclamation. 2007;(1):112-118. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)