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Cropping of Brasilian Clover on the Anthropogenic-Reformed Soil Complexes of the Belarusian Polesje


According to the results of the field experiments on studying of productivity of the Brasilian clover and its mixture with the meadow clover at the post-peat soil complexes with different contents of organic matter (4,5-32%) under the Belarusian Polesje conditions the estimation of influence of the precipitation and the cultivation techniques on productivity of the homotypical Brasilian clover crops is made. The comparative productivity of the homotypical Brasilian clover crops and its mixture with the clover is presented. It was ascertained that the soils of the Belarusian Polesje (pH more than 4,5, water table more than 1 m) are suitable for cropping of Brasilian clover in pure form. During the long-term utilization of the Brasilian clover grass at such soils the productivity may be of 60-120 centner/hectare feed unit per a year-1 depending on the contents of organic matter.

About the Author

L. N. Luchenok
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Luchenok L.N. Cropping of Brasilian Clover on the Anthropogenic-Reformed Soil Complexes of the Belarusian Polesje. Land Reclamation. 2007;(1):102-111. (In Russ.)

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