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Efficiency of the Bed Deepening Technologies with the Use of Controlled Stream Energy


The results of analysis of dependences of the rate of bed scribing mechanical equipment travel and their efficiency on the change of the main influencing factors are presented. The given results of calculations with the help mathematical model at this stage may be considered as the minimal capabilities of the technological process under consideration. The economic indices of efficiency of the training mechanism manufacturing project calculated with the use of new methods on estimation of efficiency of scientific research results, showed that it may be taken at total output of mechanisms not less than 40 pcs. with the level of production profitability at the manufacturing plant not less than 15%.

About the Authors

V. N. Karnaukhov
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation

N. V. Bourakova
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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3. Патент № 6287. Способ углубления рек и каналов // Карнаухов В.Н., Щеголютина Г.В. - 2004

4. Карнаухов В.Н. Результаты математического и физического моделирования способа углубления рек // Мелиорация переувлажненных земель. - 2004. - №2(52). - С. 53-70

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For citations:

Karnaukhov V.N., Bourakova N.V. Efficiency of the Bed Deepening Technologies with the Use of Controlled Stream Energy. Land Reclamation. 2007;(1):21-30. (In Russ.)

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