
Land Reclamation

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The researches have enabled us to establish that fertilizing the pastures promotes herbages botanical structure improvement, its contamination reduction and valuable grasses participation increase. The mineral fertilizers introduced in optimum norms and ratio considerably improve the quality of a pasturable forage by increasing productivity.In determining the norms and ratio of mineral fertilizers for annual superficial introduction on cultural pastures it is necessary to consider type of a habitat, soils features, its supply with basic feeding elements, herbage character, its economic use and planned crop.Phosphoric and potash fertilizers play the important role in cultural pastures efficiency and longevity and high-quality herbage preservation increase. However its action reveals differently on different types of soils, and increases of a crop from these fertilizers application can change in significant limits, first of all, depending on soils provision with accessible for plants forms of phosphorus and potassium. At cultural pastures long use and bean components relative content decrease in structure of a herbage alongside with phosphorus and potassium deficiency it is necessary to bring nitrogen. Nitric fertilizers introduction on pastures in dozes below optimum reduces the content of not sowed species in a herbage and allows to increase its use duration.

About the Author

R. T. Pastushok
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Pastushok R.T. MINERAL FERTILIZERS EFFICIENCY ON PASTURABLE HERBAGES. Land Reclamation. 2006;(2):174-180. (In Russ.)

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