The given distributions eroded soils on the agricultural grounds of Byelorussia on materials of large-scale soil inspection are cited. Generalizations and the analysis of change of properties and pa-rameters of fertility soils under influence of processes of erosion are made. It is shown, that washout results in deterioration physical properties soils the least moisture capacity, a range of an active moisture, density of addition, density of a firm phase of ground, general porosity is reduced, the maximal hygroscopicity and humidity of destruction of plants is increased. Agrochemical parameters eroded soils are determined by properties tillage horizons. Washed off ground essentially differ from non-eroded first of all the reduced stocks and the contents humus and nitrogen, that most of all worsens their fertility and negatively influences efficiency cultivated on these soils agricultural crops. At the same time on improvement agrochemical parameters of fertility in the greater degree, than on other properties eroded soils, it is possible to influence application of organic and mineral fertilizers. Decrease in washed off soils number microorganisms, contents humus and nitrogen causes their lower biological activity in comparison with non-eroded soils.
About the Author
N. N. Tsybulka
Mogilev Branch of Republican Sientific Research Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Radiology"
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Tsybulka N.N.
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