
Land Reclamation

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The technique of peat soils structure density estimation is offered for various ash content at dynamic loading action. Peat and the mineral residual with already known physicomechanical characteristics is discriminated in the soil structure when considering its structure. In field conditions the estimation of energy expenses for ground compression by machines and mechanisms is based on an assumption, that chemical energy of fuel will be transformed in mechanical energy. It is proposed to predict the density of ground structure on the basis of a ground compression power intensities ratio in field and laboratory conditions determining results.

About the Author

Ya. M. Shupilov
Belarussian State Agrarian Technical University


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2. Шупилов Я.М. Уплотнение торфяного грунта при действии динамической нагрузки // Строительство: Матер. Межд. науч.-техн. конф. «Геотехника Беларуси: наука и практика», 1720 ноября 2003. - Мн.: БНТУ, 2003. - С. 169-172

3. Винокуров Ф.П., Тетеркин А.Е., Питерман М.А. Строительные свойства торфяных грунтов. - Мн.: Изд-во АН БССР, 1962. - 284с


For citations:

Shupilov Ya.M. ESTIMATION OF PEAT SOILS COMPACTIBILITY. Land Reclamation. 2006;(2):76-84. (In Russ.)

Views: 186

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)