
Land Reclamation

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The article is devoted to the water current flows, speeds and depths definition way on crests of protections and inside the polder, based upon the water balance equations joint decision in polder, a chronological course of water levels in a high water, and the flow of waters flowing through all the elements of protections. Calculation of these characteristics (flows of water, speeds and depths) enables to determine the sites of a dam most dangerous in spite of polder washout and to fulfill its strengthening.The description of the streams flowing through the flooded older at passage of a spring high water dynamics is presented. The solution for water flows and speeds definition on crests of protective dams and spillways - slots in view of high water development character, polder design, and flowing over through the elements crests conditions is given. Water current through the longitudinal dam details, consisting in the fact that there is water inflow through its top part, and water outflow through the bottom for variable pressures on length and on a high water development time are considered in the solution. Underflooded and on some sites ununderflooded current can occur on each of these parts of a longitudinal dam. Dependences for conditions and current flows determining through the sites of a longitudinal dam are given. The dependences developed allow to calculate by means of the differential equations decision approximate ways the speeds dynamics on crests of spillways - slots and flooded dams taking into account the regime of a high water.

About the Author

A. P. Rusetsky
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Rusetsky A.P. DYNAMICS OF THE HIGH WATER PASSAGE THROUGH THE FLOODED POLDER. Land Reclamation. 2006;(2):20-28. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2070-4828 (Print)