The text of 1892 year published book about the Polesye first mass drainage is presented. In 1873-1892 general-lieutenant Zhilinsky supervised over the expedition which fulfilled researches on Polesye of topographical, hydrometric and geological characteristics studying and has carried out the first mass drainage of this territory.The author characterizes the adverse conditions existed owing to the region significant marshiness prior to the drainage beginning in 19 century. Fulfilled by the expedition researches and the inspections results have shown, that Polesye drainage problem consist in new ways for the waters which are not holding in inflows of Pripyat natural channels drainforming by directing the surplus of water to the places where there is its lack, i.e. where it should be necessary to establish more correct waters distribution and movement in the area of Pripyat pool. The job executed by expedition results are summed up in the book; not only economic gains from Polesye bogs drainage (water drain) are described in detail, but also significant social and ecological population life conditions improvements are shown.
For citations:
Chernik P.K.
POLESYE AND ITS WATER DRAIN BRIEF REVIEW. Land Reclamation. 2006;(2):13-19.
(In Russ.)
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