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Effectiveness of addition of gramineous components to a hybrid clover, and stability of the last on floodplain peat soils


Higher stability of a hybrid clover in grass mixtures on flood-plain peat soils is marked for variants with addition no more than 10-30 % of grasses to the clover in sowing. When the clover is mowed in flower bud stage the best component is awnless bromegrass and when this is made in initial flowering stage - timothy grass.

About the Authors

I. R. Struk
POlesye Branch of Floodplain Meadow Cultivation of Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation

A. F. Verenich
POlesye Branch of Floodplain Meadow Cultivation of Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation

G. I. Tropets
POlesye Branch of Floodplain Meadow Cultivation of Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation

A. F. Domnich
POlesye Branch of Floodplain Meadow Cultivation of Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Struk I.R., Verenich A.F., Tropets G.I., Domnich A.F. Effectiveness of addition of gramineous components to a hybrid clover, and stability of the last on floodplain peat soils. Land Reclamation. 2006;(1):150-155. (In Russ.)

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