
Land Reclamation

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Approximated quantitative estimation of an effect of the environment factors on forming of crop yield


Using of the known qualitative laws of farming (equivalence and independence, minimum, joint operation of factors of vital activity of plants) the approximated quantitative model of farm crop yield is proposed. The model is based on the principles which can be characterized as the quantitative laws of farming: the law of gradients, upon that, estimation of influence of any factor on a yield can be realized by means of the function of the corresponding gradient which is a relative measure of deviation of a parameter (quantitative characteristic) of the given factor from nominal value (value, defining a top yield); and the law of the stochastic (random) nature of forming (creation) of yield . Comparison of the model with known empirical connections between a yield and the limiting factors of environment is presented.

About the Author

A. P. Likhatsevich
Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Likhatsevich A.P. Approximated quantitative estimation of an effect of the environment factors on forming of crop yield. Land Reclamation. 2006;(1):95-102. (In Russ.)

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