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Assesment of action of farm machines on peat-boggy soils


The theoretical substantiation of determination of bearing strength and deformations of a peat sod field under loads from farm machines is given. In the general case, the procedure of design of bearing strength of a peat sod field used for farm crop cultivation when it is acted machine propulsive devices is based on analysis of vertical compressive stress distribution in depth of long lea under augmentation of an external load from the machine (caterpillar or wheel) and direct determination of safe (or allowable) stressed state adequate this external load. The empirical formulas for determination of strength parameters of peat having natural structure in conditions close to its complete water saturation are obtained. The procedure of analysis of deformations of peat under propulsive devices that enables to determine deformations in any span of time of action of a load is offered.

About the Author

Ya. M. Shupilov
Institute for Land Reclaamtion and Grassland Cultivation


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For citations:

Shupilov Ya.M. Assesment of action of farm machines on peat-boggy soils. Land Reclamation. 2006;(1):74-82. (In Russ.)

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