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Changes of moisture stores in a soil profile, moisture provision, and water consumption of farm crops depending on erodibility and methods of soil tillage


The influence of the basic cultivation of derno-podzolic soils having a different degree erodibility on changes of moisture stores in a soil and water consumption of farm crops is investigated. It is established that the available moisture stores in non-eroded soil exceed those in strong-eroded soil by 2…31 mm depending on conditions of year. Tillage influences the contents of the available moisture in a soil profile in the spring season but during crop vegetation period their action is insignificant. Due to presence of crop residues in surface layer of soil, nonmoldboard cultivation promotes to additional accumulation of a moisture in the spring season in arable layer by 2…6 mm on the average.38In years of sufficient humidification, the basic source of moisture (80 % and more) for plants is precipitation, and role of soil moisture is minor. In hard-dry years, the fraction of available moisture can be equal to 86-89 %. Under a non-moldboard cultivation in comparison with a moldboard plowing, the overall moisture consumption is higher by 2…13 mm on non-eroded soil and 16…20 mm on strongeroded. To produce a unit of yield of cereal and grass crops, moisture is consumed on eroded soil more than on non-eroded soil, especially under a non-moldboard cultivation.

About the Author

N. N. Tsybulka
Mogilev Branch of Republican Scientific Research Unitary Enterprise


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For citations:

Tsybulka N.N. Changes of moisture stores in a soil profile, moisture provision, and water consumption of farm crops depending on erodibility and methods of soil tillage. Land Reclamation. 2006;(1):30-39. (In Russ.)

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