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Signification of bogs in creation of water circulation in river basins


The measures on preservation of swamped soils have an effect upon structure of a water balance and promote improvement of water saving in river basins. However, there are difficulties in a quantitative assessment of influence of bogs on creation of resources underground and day waters.National parks and system of legal protection of connatural remarkables play essential role in preservation of swamped lands. It is necessary more widely to use legal and economic tools in order to encourage creation and up-dating small swamped lands in an agro-landscape.Creation of a small amount of swamped terrains will not exert essential influence on a structure of water balance of the country. On the contrary, the plenty of small swamped lands can become as the essential factor of improvement of water quality and increase in water resources.

About the Authors

W. .. Medushewsk
Institute for Land Reclamation and Meadow Cultivation

Ya. .. Ostrowski
Institute for Land Reclamation and Meadow Cultivation


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For citations:

Medushewsk W..., Ostrowski Ya... Signification of bogs in creation of water circulation in river basins. Land Reclamation. 2006;(1):17-25. (In Russ.)

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