Influence of microfertilizers on seed productivity of hybrid clover
The article presents the results of studies of the influence of microfertilizers on the structure of seed sowing and the yield of hybrid clover seeds. The maximum yield of hybrid clover seeds (2.4 c/ha) without underseeding annual ryegrass on average over 2 years was obtained after adding MicroStim and Nanoplant – Ca-Si; the increase was 41.2 %. In joint crops with annual ryegrass, the highest yield of 2.6 c/ha was noted in the variant with Nanoplant Ultra; the increase was 30.0 %.
About the Authors
A. A. КrautsovaRussian Federation
O. S. Mikhailova
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Кrautsova A.A., Mikhailova O.S. Influence of microfertilizers on seed productivity of hybrid clover. Land Reclamation. 2024;(4):43-49. (In Russ.)