The influence of weather conditions and microfertilizers on the seed productivity of annual ryegrass
The results of the assessment of the hydrothermal regime of the growing seasons are presented, the dependence of the elements of the crop structure on this indicator is revealed. The positive effect of micronutrients and bioregulators of growth on the seed productivity of annual ryegrass has been proved, the most promising drugs have been identified.
About the Authors
R. T. PastushokBelarus
A. A. Кrautsova
A. P. Shurmialiova
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For citations:
Pastushok R.T., Кrautsova A.A., Shurmialiova A.P. The influence of weather conditions and microfertilizers on the seed productivity of annual ryegrass. Land Reclamation. 2024;(2):39-45. (In Russ.)