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Comparative analysis of digital terrain models of land reclamation objects created by various aerial phototopographic methods


To study the features and limitations inherent in various methods of relief survey, a comparative analysis of digital terrain models of land reclamation objects based on ground topographic survey materials, digital aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles and aerial laser scanning was carried out. It is established that for the design of land reclamation measures, calculation of relief morphometric characteristics and modeling surface runoff, it is advisable to use a combined method of terrain survey, in which the survey of an object is carried out using aerial topographic methods followed by additional ground survey in places that are difficult to access for remote types of survey, such as drainless depressions filled with water, areas overgrown with dense trees and shrubby vegetation and etc.

About the Authors

L. N. Oskirko
РУП «Институт мелиорации»

V. M Makoed
РУП «Институт мелиорации»

О. G. Bondarchuk
РУП «Институт мелиорации»


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For citations:

Oskirko L.N., Makoed V.M., Bondarchuk О.G. Comparative analysis of digital terrain models of land reclamation objects created by various aerial phototopographic methods. Land Reclamation. 2023;(4):14-23. (In Russ.)

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