
Land Reclamation

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Dependence of irrigational erosion of gray-brown soils from the mesorelief in Southern Mugan Azerbaijan


On the gray-brown soils of the southern foothill part of the Mugan steppe, the manifestation of irrigation erosion on cotton crops was studied. It has been established that the slope and mesorelief of the plot have a great influence on the erosion of the furrow, than the magnitude of the irrigation jet. As a result of irrigation erosion, the soil is depleted of humus and gross forms of nutrients, which in the erosion zone are reduced by 15‒20 % from the initial level before irrigation. The elements of the slope have a stronger influence on the growth, development and yield of cotton than the elements of the irrigation technique. Relationships between yield indicators between the degree of unevenness of the relief and the development of cotton have been established.

About the Authors

M. G. Mustafaev
Институт почвоведения и агрохимии Министерства науки и образования Азербайджана

Z. R. Gurbanova
Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности

E. A. Gurbanov
Азербайджанский университет архитектуры и строительства

J. T. Mehtiyev
Азербайджанский университет архитектуры и строительства


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For citations:

Mustafaev M.G., Gurbanova Z.R., Gurbanov E.A., Mehtiyev J.T. Dependence of irrigational erosion of gray-brown soils from the mesorelief in Southern Mugan Azerbaijan. Land Reclamation. 2023;(2):41-46. (In Russ.)

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