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Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of vertical barriers from gas-filled cylindrical cylinders to reduce vibrations in the soil environment


The article presents calculations of the parameters of a vertical vibration isolation barrier from adjoining wells, cased with gas-filled cylindrical cylinders under pressure. The barrier is designed to reduce the level of ground vibrations behind it, which reduces additional dynamic forces in building structures and eliminates the development of additional vibrational settlements of foundations. Modeling was carried out by the finite element method. The ground medium was considered as a spatial elastic inertial array bounded by non-reflecting boundaries. The change in the parameters of surface oscillations behind the barrier was studied depending on the change in its geometric parameters and the frequency of forced oscillations of the source. The reliability of the application of the finite element method for calculating dynamic processes in the system "oscillation source – propagation medium – oscillation receiver" was confirmed by verification based on data from small-scale laboratory experiments. The use of a vertical barrier is effective in vibration isolation of building foundations from vibration sources located both inside and outside industrial workshops. The decrease in the amplitudes of vertical oscillations of the soil surface behind the barrier can reach 90 %.

About the Author

K. E. Povkolas
Белорусский национальный технический университет


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For citations:

Povkolas K.E. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of vertical barriers from gas-filled cylindrical cylinders to reduce vibrations in the soil environment. Land Reclamation. 2022;(4):23-29. (In Russ.)

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