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Aspects of creating leguns and grain agrophytocenoses in the region of Pripyat Polesia


The issues of an economically justified increase in the content of digestible protein in feed due to the formation of legume-grass agrophytocenoses on reclaimed peat soils of the Pripyat Polesia are considered. The relevance of increasing the the crops of legumes and leguminous grasses in the structure of forage lands is substantiated. With an increase in the share of legume components in agrocenoses, the zootechnical quality of feed will increase, which will allow the feed rations of cattle to be saturated with digestible protein at a level of more than 100 g/kg. Actualization of the need to place crops of perennial grasses on peat soils will contribute to the ecological conservation and restoration of peat-wetlands of the Pripyat Polesia region.

About the Authors

E. B. Evseev
Полесский государственный университет

V. S. Filipenko
Полесский государственный университет


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For citations:

Evseev E.B., Filipenko V.S. Aspects of creating leguns and grain agrophytocenoses in the region of Pripyat Polesia. Land Reclamation. 2022;(3):48-57. (In Russ.)

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