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Formation of soil-protective crop rotations and tillage systems on deflation-prone lands


The formation of soil protection complexes on deflationary lands is based on the grouping of mineral lungs by granulometric composition, peat and degraded peat soils by the degree of potential deflationary danger. Depending on the component composition of soils with different potential deflationary hazards and the magnitude of deflation, the types of deflationary agricultural lands are distinguished and their use is determined. The use of deflationary lands (for arable or meadow lands), the structure of crops and the types of soil-protective crop rotations are determined based on the values of prevented and residual soil losses during deflation. When compiling a tillage system in crop rotations, biological features of agricultural crops, the order of their alternation in crop rotation, the nature and degree of contamination of fields, the granulometric composition of the soil are taken into account, along with the deflation of soils.

About the Authors

N. N. Tsybulkа
РУП «Институт почвоведения и агрохимии»

V. B. Tsyribko
РУП «Институт почвоведения и агрохимии»

A. M. Ustinova
РУП «Институт почвоведения и агрохимии»


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For citations:

Tsybulkа N.N., Tsyribko V.B., Ustinova A.M. Formation of soil-protective crop rotations and tillage systems on deflation-prone lands. Land Reclamation. 2022;(3):30-47. (In Russ.)

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