Changes in biochemical composition of morphological parts and nutritional value of corn plants under the influence of weather conditions and technological methods of its
In 2019‒2021, in the central part of Belarus, studies were conducted on the derno-podzolic consolidated loamy soil with three maize hybrids (DN Piviha – FAO 210, Polessky 202 – FAO 230 and DN Galatea – FAO 250), cultivated at a plant density of 70, 90, 110 and 130 thousand/ha, two terms of sowing and harvesting with a differ-ence of 2 weeks. The biochemical composition of maize plants and its morphological parts was studied, which made it possible to identify the following patterns. The stems have the lowest fat content (1.0 %), the cobs have the highest fat content (3.6 %), with an average accumulation of it in plants of 2.3 %. The ash elements are respectively 1.6 % in the cob, 6.9 % in the leaves and 4.0 % in the plants. Protein is less in the stems (3.6 %), more in the cob (8.7 %) and on average in the plant contains 6.7 %. Fiber is less in the cob (7.5 %), more in the stems (36.2 %), in the plant – 23.0 %. The nitrogen-free extractive substances is less in the leaves (49.5 %), more in the cobs (78.8 %), in the plant – 64.0 %. Weather conditions of the year are the most significant factor affecting the change in the biochemical composition of plants and some morphological parts of maize.
About the Authors
A. Z. BogdanovBelarus
D. V. Luzhinsky
N. F. Nadtochaev
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For citations:
Bogdanov A.Z., Luzhinsky D.V., Nadtochaev N.F. Changes in biochemical composition of morphological parts and nutritional value of corn plants under the influence of weather conditions and technological methods of its. Land Reclamation. 2022;(2):24-31. (In Russ.)