Analysis of the stress-strain state elements of a rectangular section water line when working under various conditions
On an on-farm irrigation network, often the geometric dimensions and cross-sectional profile of the water conduit are dictated by the physical need for its throughput in a given area. The question about the rational transverse profile of the conduit directly related to its stress-strain state during operation. Рroduction and operational experience shows that the installation of water conduits is carried out without a proper analysis of the total stresses in the soil and in the structures themselves. The object of study is a water conduit with a rectangular cross section under the influence of various loads on it: static, dynamic, and their combinations.
About the Authors
V. G. DegtyarevO. G. Degtyareva
N. V. Kozhenko
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Degtyarev V.G., Degtyareva O.G., Kozhenko N.V. Analysis of the stress-strain state elements of a rectangular section water line when working under various conditions. Land Reclamation. 2022;(3):5-12. (In Russ.)